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What is De-Evolution?-
The idea of devolution is based at least partly on the presumption that "evolution" requires some sort of purposeful direction towards "increasing complexity". Modern evolutionary theory, beginning with Darwin at least, poses no such presumption and the concept of evolutionary change is independent of either any increase in complexity of organisms sharing a gene pool, or any decrease, such as in vestigiality or in loss of genes. Earlier views that species are subject to "racial decay", "drives to perfection", or "devolution" are practically meaningless in terms of current (neo-)Darwinian theory....... I take my name from these meanings. De-Evolutionary Photography. The idea and term of devolving is often used by creationists. I am both mocking and touching on something important in our history. The idea that to evolve means to become better and to devolve is to regress in thought and ability. consciousness. It is also a challenge to these ideals. I find for me I Identify the idea of my De-evolution with a PROGRESSION back to primal roots which signify a closer relationship with our base humanity. Which in my book is true power and understanding and real progression into a spiritual state of being. I aim with my art to create something that touches peoples. I ask for you all to look upon my art with open eyes and open minds, remember that everthing is interpretive and the deepest meaning to all this is the meaning you find.
[De-Evolutionary Photography]

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